For the last several years Poland has been gathering more and more attention of Nordic investors. The country has become both an attractive market and a place to locate a branch or outsource services. Searching for a good place to start business in Poland, Gdańsk is definitely the best choice.

Gdańsk is in the top five of the fastest developing cities in Poland. The progress the city has made is also a result of foreign companies investing in Poland. They are mostly attracted by the city’s location, favourable business environment, human resources and substantially improved infrastructure.

Gdańsk together with Sopot and Gdynia create the largest metropolitan centre in northern Poland called the Tricity. Due to its potential, the metropolis is also one of major economic areas of the Baltic Sea. Having a well developed network of flight, ferry and relatively good road connections with major cities of the region, the Tricity has a chance to become a Nordic business hub for Poland and central Europe. The economic structure of the metropolis and a population of over one million people provide access to a great number of experienced professionals from various branches of industry, as well as an ongoing flow of university graduates of various specialisations, who are ready to function in the international environment. The positive picture is completed by a range of new-built office facilities meeting the expectations and standards of modern business. The conditions created in Gdańsk and neighbouring municipalities have already been appreciated by many European companies. The best examples might be Metsä Group, Arla Foods or Bayer who established their financial services centres in Gdańsk. Availability of well qualified personnel as well as relatively low employment costs make Poland attractive for outsourcing services. It is as much true about production of industrial components, as it is about IT or accounting services. Poland wins the competition with prices and quality and Gdańsk wins it all, because it is closer. This is also the reason why Nordic entrepreneurs often decide to relocate their entire production here – Gdańsk shipyards produce and overhaul vessels for Norwegian clients (e.g. Bergen Group), NFM Group produces uniforms and battle gear for Scandinavian soldiers in nearby Potęgowo, Finnish Alteams Group opened a factory in Lębork. Gdańsk is also a good place to search for subcontractors. Apart from the potential, quality and prices of local companies, a lot of them already have experience in working for Nordic companies and what is more important they also have very good references from them.

Last but not least, Gdańsk is simply a nice place to live in. With its history, culture and mosaic of Tricity differences, Gdańsk is definitely worth discovering.

Rynek Nordycki (Nordic Market) offers a complete range of services and solutions for foreign companies willing to develop businesses in Poland.

Rynek Nordycki staff have eight years of experience in cooperation with clients from Nordic countries in the areas of organization and administration of companies and branches in Poland, recruitment of qualified staff, finding business partners and outsourcing of services in Poland.
